About this site.
Since 2005.8.28 


Thank you for visiting.
Here is a Fan art  Web site.
The name is "Does the wind blow?"
This site is written in Japanese.
Master name is Naoto in Japanese.Please feel free to link to us.
Please read the following.




・It doesn't relate to of the person related to the work such as author and production company at all. Please refrain from ruining, the trouble act, and the advertisement such as the adult sites on this site. Please acknowledge deleting all the content when discovering it.

・Please stop an online bookmark.

・Artworks and/or photos on this site are NOT allowed to be used on other
websites without permission.

【Site Name】
風は吹いているか Does the wind blow?

なおと Naoto


【Site address】http://green3327.yu-nagi.com/





